How To Create A Website // Step by Step Tutorial // So easy to follow!

This time daetube share video tutorial, create a web of, Step by Step Tutorial. 

How To Create A Website - Create A Website
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====== Video Overview ======

Over the past few years, I have received countless emails from people who are looking for guidance on how to create a website. The truth is that we have been taught to believe that it is a complicated process. And you know what? It really USED to be. But it most certainly isn't anymore. We can now launch websites in a matter of 15 minutes. So if you are looking to create a website, this tutorial on how to create a website will be so helpful to you.

In the tutorial, I walk you through a very simple 3 step process. We first choose which kind of site that we want to build (choosing our platform). Second, we set up our domain and hosting. This step in the video is very cool because I show you how to create a website and setup your domain and hosting for ridiculously cheap. And then we simply auto install our platform - taking only about 10 seconds!

And just like that... you learned how to create a website! I hope you guys can get some great knowledge and know-how out of this tutorial. I really enjoyed making it for you. I wish you all the best with your new site as well!

Oh! And be sure to check out all of the additional resources below too!